Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Kmart Shopping Trip

I have decided to start blogging my grocery savings because it is so much fun and exciting. I am learning so much from other bloggers and especially from I have lowered our weekly grocery and toiletry budget to $50 per week and so far we are doing great. I will say this shopping trip was an exception due to some left over funds from last week's grocery envelope that I did not use.
Okay to the point our Super Kmart is doing a double coupon days and will match the value of a coupon all the way up to $2.00!! You can use up to four of the same coupon and up to 75 per visit. Here is what I purchased today:
Cover Girl Foundation
Clean & Clear Face Cleanser
Meaty Bone Dog Biscuits (3 Boxes)
Glade Carpet Fresh (3)
Glade Scented Oil Refills (2)
Meaty Bone Chewy Treats
Heinz 57 Sauce
1lb Box Elbow Macaroni (2)
Betty Crocker Skillet Potatoes (2)
Betty Crocker Brownies (4)
Quaker Breakfast Bars
Dole Canned Fruit (3)
Ragu Sauce (4)
Peanut Butter
Worcestershire Sauce
Tortellini Barilla Pasta
Frozen Bag of Tyson Chicken Fillets
Bob Evans Breakfast Sandwiches
Sargento Salad Finishers (4)
Bag of Lettuce
Total Items: 38
Total Prior to Coupons: $113.07
Total Paid out of Pocket: $64.39
Coupon Savings this Trip: $48.68 Woohoo!!
Total Savings this month: $69.72
Spent this month: $132.25
Funds remaining for the month: $83.75
Share what your family budget is and how it is going. My goal is to get my whole budget down to $35 per week but I am sure I need to get up my stock pile before that will happen. I will get better at it as I go...this is my first month really tracking my success. More to come.....


T & A said...

Look at you go! I really need to get back into couponing. I haven't done it in a while. Great job!

Rhonda Devine said...

Yeah, Jenn:) It is quite fun~I would compare it to a grown-up game!!
I, too, had given up using coupons for several years now because of the time it took me to clip, organize, and remember to use them at check-out, but I'm glad I've gotten back to them--it really is like throwing money away--check out Ebay for great coupon package buys--I bought one this week--well worth it! Remember you can't buy and sell coupons, but you can charge for your time of clipping.