Saturday, November 15, 2008


Kmart is at it again with their double coupons which means Jennifer is at it again as well....haha! Unfortunately I do not have a picture because by the time we got home last night it was late and I was too tired to worry about it. I will say this is the best Kmart trip I have had to date and the first time my husband accompanied me on one of these double coupon trips. is what I purchased:

Honey Nut Cheerios (2)
Reeses Peanut Butter Cup Cereal (2)
Cinnamon Toast Crunch (2)
Cocoa Puffs (2)
Crest Toothpaste (2)
Resolve Carpet Cleaner (3)
Pedigree Dog Treats (1)
Ziploc Containers (2)
Palmolive Clear Dishsoap (2)
Palmolive Dishsoap (4)
Kleenex Lotion Tissue (1)
Gain Fabric Softner (1)
Febreze Air Spray (1)
Pledge (4)
Glade Fabric Spray (1)
Scotch Sponges (2)
Whiskas Treats (2)
Chew Lotta Dog Treat (1)
Lifesavers Bagged Candy (1)
Aquafina Water Bottle 20 oz (1)
Betty Crocker Fruit Gushers (3)
Betty Crocker Warm Delights (2)
Betty Crocker Potatoes (2)
Betty Crocker Cookie Mix (2)
Betty Crocker Frosting (2)
Sue Bee Honey (1)
Nestle Baking Chips (3)
Progresso Chicken Broth (1)
French Worcheshire Sauce (1)
Jello Pudding Singles (1)
Healthy Choice Soup (3)
Healthy Choice Single Serve Pasta (1)
Smuckers Apple Butter (1)
Smuckers Grape Jelly (1)
Starkist Creations Tuna (1)
Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls (3)
Pillsbury Frozen Bag Dinner Rolls (1)
Pillsbury Refrigerated Cookie Dough (2)
Country Crock Light Butter (2)
Nestle Refrigerated Cookie Dough (2)

Total Items Purchased: 72

Total Before Coupons: $163.96

Total After Coupons: $69.61

Coupon Total: $94.35

My husband just stood there with his mouth open like you did not just save almost a hundred was funny. If you break it down I paid under a dollar for each item although there were several items that were free after coupons. I did go over my weekly budget but with the double coupons I am willing to go a little over.

Last week I hit a great boneless chicken breast sale and purchased seven packages of chicken for $18 bucks. We eat chicken at least once a week so we should be good for nearly two months! My goal is to live off of our stockpile this winter and not to have to go grocery shopping except for staple items like Milk and bread. I have asked for a bread maker for Christmas so maybe I will get it and I can start making my own bread which will be even more savings.

I don't know how everyone else is doing but working in the building/development industry is really slow right now so I need the comfort of knowing if work gets cut back we are okay for a few months on groceries. I would love to hear ways you guys are cutting back or your coupon savings deals. Good luck and happy bargain hunting!!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sad....not surprised! (Warning my opinion only)

I will be the first to say that I do not typically discuss politics due to one I do not know very much about them and two it causes too many on to my point. I must forewarn you I have expressed some very touchy points and please note these are my opinions and not to start an argument.

I think we all are not really surprised that Obama won this election due to the current state of the economy and the entire blame being placed on the Republican party. As expected Americans believe that having a new party in office will put this country in the right direction. I myself must admit that even on election night I was very upset placing the direction of my future in one person's hands. Following prayer and some soul searching why are we holding out hope for anyone to change this country? It is clear that as a nation we have turned our backs on God and we are trying to put band aids on these huge wounds by having the "right person" come in and change the world. We will accomplish nothing if we as a nation do not turn our hearts towards God.

I am blown away by the complete ignorance displayed by Americans when it comes to their reasons for voting. I have heard everything from legalizing pot, color of skin and "because I am tired of being poor"!!! Seriously people are you kidding me?? They all upset me greatly but the one that surprised me the most was the tired of being poor comment. Obama's entire campaign was directed around the lower class citizens in American because when you make a promise of sharing the wealth you will definitely get attention.

I for one am not opposed to helping those that are truly in need, those who know me know I support this all of the time, but what I am against is people who constantly have their hand out. We have all heard the sob stories of how they ended up where they are but it never cease to amaze me that most of the "broke" people where nicer clothes and drive better cars than I do and I am not broke!! I am tired of my hard earned money going to LAZY people. Obama's big plan to come and raise taxes on the people who have worked hard to take care of people who do not want to work hard is nothing but a ploy to get votes. Hello people everyone has the same opportunity in American to better themselves it is a choice not to do so for most. I am tired of the attitude of "what is in it for me" and I pray very hard for the future of this country.

I will not place the blame on any one person it is all of our faults for sitting back and letting this country fall apart. We have a generation of children that are growing up with absolutely no direction, no respect, and no work ethics. I hate to see who will be running for president or heading up the armed forces, if there is one, when I am my grandmother's age. We have raised a generation of men who are wimps who do not know what to stand for just follow whatever moron is in front of them. Shame on the parents for doing such a horrible job with this generation. I am so thankful for the families that protect their children from this and are teaching their kids to follow God, be hard workers, respect others and servant hood because when I am old I want to know that there will some glimpse of hope in this messed up world.

On a side note....I am not a parent but to all of my friends and family that are working hard every day to raise your children to follow God I thank you. You all are a great example to me and I pray when we are blessed with children that we will be the same example that you have been to us. God bless and I love you all dearly!