Thursday, August 14, 2008

I am back.....this is a long update!!

Well I am finally getting around to posting again. It has been an extremely busy summer and posting was the last thing on my list to do.

We have had a wonderful fun stress filled summer, haha. We had company in our home the entire month of July and it was a great. Steven's dad and his wife came to visit for a few days which was nice because we have not really been able to spend alot of time with them since we were married. Steven's sister came for the 4th as she does every year and we spent the week relaxing, shopping and blowing up stuff!!

We were also very happy to have Christopher the entire month and man is he growing into a great young man. I met Steven right after Christopher's fifth birthday and it just amazes me that he will be fifteen in a few months...time goes by so quickly. I know I have said it a million times but he has been a huge blessing in my life. He is an outstanding kid. He does not have that teenage attitude you see all of the time. He is respectful, helpful and just so fun to be around. We both miss him so much but we are excited to see him and Steven's family at Christmas this year.

Steven is back at the school thing and he and I both cannot wait until he is done. It has been a long, expensive and tiring road but we can see the finish line quickly approaching. I am so proud of him for sticking it out and getting it done now he just hast to decide where he wants to work but I think that is so much easier than school itself. I must say my husband is very smart...not that I thought he was dumb but he has been on the deans list several times for his good grades. I am excited for our future together and ask prayer for him as he makes decisions for his career in the next few months.

Lastly, I finally bit the bullet and joined Weight Watchers three weeks ago. I am proud to say I have lost 12.4lbs in those three weeks!!! I have made a promise to myself, God and my husband to get healthy and stay that way. This is the first time I have ever done a weight loss program without a friend but I will say I find I am more excited and motivated knowing that I am doing this on my own. I find it is easier to excuse poor eating habits when you have a buddy who is having a hard time as well. I have discovered alot about my eating habits in the last year that I never recognized before and it was when I finally acknowledged my issues then I was able to deal with it and move forward. I will keep you all posted on my progress.

Well I promise to keep this more updated. Oh yeah we were given a digital camera by my sister in law so I can start posting pictures....woohoo. Now I just have to figure out how to do that.